Sunday, January 23, 2011


Dear diary,

Yesterday was one of the sweetest moment i had with my love. I was surprised by two surprises! What's more, there was no occasion at all! Happy happy girl, me!

He tricked me that we are going to have dinner at Pariss International at Marina Square. The place that i brought him when he came back from his Taiwan trip. I thought to myself, 'Yaayy! Seafooood!'. We both love seafood. Upon reaching, as it wasn't the time yet to have dinner, we went around, looking for his jeans and tops. After his mini shopping, he asked am I ready to eat. I said yes! Was on the way walking to the place, he actually turned to the opposite way. I'm like, but the place is that way! He said nah.. We're going back to where we parked the bike. And i was like huh?? While going down the escalator, I was kinda disappointed. Was looking forward to some seafood. On the way to our bike, we walked passed the entry to Pan Pacific Hotel. And he said 'Let's eat here' and i was like huuuuuuhhhhh?? Macam2 alasan die kasi. Nak g toilet lah, nak beli prata lah.. And to my big surprise, he actually brought me to Global Kitchen!!!! The place that I wanted to bring him. AWWW SOO SWEET RIGHTTT!!! Ikotkan hati, I wanted to screaaam! Hahaha. That was not it.

Halfway eating, he said be right back. He wanted to go to the toilet. Lambat jugak die pergi. He came back, out of breathe! He was panting like as if he ran all the way back. Then he started commenting about my colourful bracelet. How mismatched it is with my dressing. And suddenlyyy, he took out a Guess box and inside was a Guess bracelet!!!!! Omg. My baby damn sweet lah! I was of course, surprised!!!!! Hehe happy me! Actually the toilet trip was a trip to his bike cos he put my surprise gift there. Hahah.

Thank you my baby for making me very happy yesterday. Appreciate everything that you've done. You make me fall inlove with you all over again. Two surprises in a day! Susah datang tau.. I know you love me with all your heart and soul. Me too love. Never love someone this much and this deep before. And surprising me when there's no occasion at all. Super sweet. 10 points for you love!!

I'm so lucky to have you. There's no one like you Md Faizrul. No one.

I fucking love you, my sweetest love! BlogBooster-The most productive way for mobile blogging. BlogBooster is a multi-service blog editor for iPhone, Android, WebOs and your desktop

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