Saturday, December 18, 2010

I've always have something in mind to blog about. But whenever I finished doing a long entry, I tend to save it then publish it for strangers to read. Or if not, I delete it. One, maybe because it's too wordy. Second, it's personal and thirdly, no one probably cares. But then again, this is MY blog.

I'm currently at work on a Saturday morning while most of you are probably still in your sweet dreams. My eyes are starting to shut. I barely have anything to do except for surfing the net!

Anyway, yesterday was an unplanned chilling out session with bf and his 2 friends. Honestly, I prefer mixing with guys then girls. It seems like guys are more relaxed and not judgemental as girls. And they don't bitch a lot. I know because I'm a girl. Heh. And I'm the kinda person who need some time to open up to people. Especially to girls. Because I'm constantly thinking what are they thinking about me, what the heck is she talking about and so on. And girls are very lecehhhhhh. The more girl friends you have, the more drama there is in your life. Seriously. That's one of the reason why I only have a handful of tight girlfriends. And I'm already happy with what I have.

Being overly known is also not good. Because people tend to talk about you. Your face so damn common, everyone in Singapore knows you. BORING. Nothing more to know. Especially for girls. When a popular girl mix around with lots of guys, she's been called a slut. And guys can talk shit saying so and so slept with her and bla2. You get the drift. Well same goes to guys. A popular guy who mix with lots of girls is a PLAYBOY. Enough said.

I'll be working later on with Bf. I don't know. I think we had a mini tiff yesterday night after the chilling out session. It all started from one question.

Let's not talk about it shall we? If it happens, it happens. If not, maybe GOD has better plans for the both of us.

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