Thursday, December 30, 2010

Let's sum up my 2010 yeah?

  • Celebrated New Year with my own friends for the first time and it was incredibly AWESOME! Even went swimming with just shorts and no undies at The Central Clarke Quay early morning. No worries, all girls!
  • Had a few overnight stay at Hotel 88 at Geylang with my girlfriends. That was awesome too!
  • Got to know 2 butch who liked me. And they even had a tiff for months because of yours truly.
  • Went on a short holiday with Love to KL for the first time ever. And my first time travelling alone with my own boyfriend to overseas!
  • Went for my first car prac and ONLY prac. -__-
  • Got my first full-time job as a Recep/Admin.
  • Got him back after 14 crucial months of waiting.
  • Celebrated my 22nd birthday at Downtown East chalet. Done by Love and my friends. First time!
  • Fall out with one of my bestest girls. But things are back to normal. And another fall out with my new bestest girls too. But things fall back into place after a few months.
  • Frequent JB trips.
  • Worked in a Nightclub for the first time. Atleast now I know how it feels like to be working in a dark and NOISY place.

I think that sums everything. Well most. I hope 2011 will be better! Car liciense in my hands finally? Insyallah. Have a great NEW YEAR and I wish the only best to all my love ones. May 2011 be better for all of us. :)

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