Monday, January 3, 2011

How's your New Year so far people?

Mine was great with a lil hiccups on Saturday. I don't know. Maybe it's just a curse. Me and him never fails to quarell when we go clubbing together. ALWAYS OK. I mean c'mon. Who the fuck go clubbing and just stay at one place with arms crossing? Tell me about it. Tsk. And when I asked to move closer, he just stays there. Might as well I just go with my friends if you plan to just stand and watch.

Anyway went out with my family on Sunday to Sakura Tampines to celebrate Grandma's birthday. And we went to hunt for her gifts after that. Bugis was the place. My uncles and mum shared money to buy her a Bonia bag while me and brother split the cost for her A/X watch. Fuh canggih or what eh nenek pakai Armani Exchange watch. And I can see some changes in my brother. He literally washed a whole lot of dishes last Saturday WITHOUT anyone telling. AND THAT'S A BIG DEAL LADIES AND GENTLEMEN. That's a first. And I can see that he's the kind who is not selfish with money. You know lah, NS pay. Peanuts right? But he insisted to buy a branded watch for my nenek. He said 'kalau murah tapi tak berkenan buat ape?'. Actually he wanted to buy on his own but mum told me to share. She gave me a choice to share with my uncles and her or with my bro. I choose the latter. Look at how generous he is! I bet he will pampers his gf (if he has one) with stuff even though he doesnt earn much. Lucky girl. I honestly can say that he makes a good bf. He is damn chill. And rarely gets angry.

And for Friday, we went to Clarke Quay and met friends there. Overall it was fun.

I really do hope that 2011 will be a better year for us both. I'm learning to control my temper but I hope he will do his part to not hurt me too. Cos it takes 2 hands to clap. And I can't wait to begin my car praticals. Insyallah. My dad has already plan to buy Canon Eos 60D. It's Canon best DSLR in the market right now. But I read Nikon D7000 is better. Both of these camera is the best in the market. Oh well. Okla tu janji ade camera sudah.

Shall end this entry with a photo of us!

The Love of my life.

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