Tuesday, January 11, 2011


Let's talk about serious thing here. My dad has been asking me this question which I myself can't answer him. The bonus question..

' When are you getting married? '.

I would LOVE to get married,Dad and Mum. I would LOVE to start making a family on my own. Furthermore almost everyone,cousins,blood ties my age is settling down already!! That definitely has put some pressure in me. I know i'm not getting any younger. As much as I would want to live in denial,i will still be turning 23 in 9 more months. OMG. 2-3 people. TWO FUCKING 3. Stop the time please!!!!! Fuck. It's the perfect age to start planning to settle down already. I know. Sigh.

And not to say anything bad but this one of the disadvantage of having a bf who is almost the same age and to make it worst, guys at this age still wants to have fun. Actually that depends on the guy itself. Some girls are lucky enough to get a guy who wants to settle down quickly and willing to let go of their crazy lifestyle. I just got to know this guy who is full of tatoos and definitely those wild kinds just got hitched last week. So it all depends on what kinda guy he is. Well, i'm stuck with someone who still wants to enjoy. Sigh. Sigh. Sigh

I really do wish that he will finally make up his mind to start planning on getting married for REAL. He does talk about getting married but i dont put my hopes in it cos when i asked him lets get engaged then. He'll be like errr arrr. But i still wanna enjoy. Then why the fuck do you talk about marriage with me??!! Doesnt make sense right? Bebual pasal kahwin. Jom ar kahwin cepat2. Tapi biler ajak tunang, READ: TUNANG, cakap masih nak enjoy. What the fuck?

Siak ah. Will we ever get married??
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